dilluns, 7 d’abril del 2014

Asteroid with rings - level 2


the scientist found a asteroid with rings, same Saturn. That is the smallest object with rings found. The scientist discorver it because when the asteroid was in front the start, it project a shadow in South America. They think the cause of why formed the rings are the ice and stones.

used to think (thought) : normalment pensen.
cast (to make). causa, crea.
debris (broken pieces of rock). trossos trencats de roca.

Skydiver dies in Arizona - level 2

The new explain the story of a  group of 222 skydrivers of 28 countrys. They train 18 months for a break a world rcord. The first time they attempted the jump, one woman has a problem, her parachute don't opens. the second parachute opens late and she die. Her team have did a honor jump for she. She was German.

attempted: try (intentar)
in her honor: to show respect (en el seu honor)
skydriver: person who jumps from a plane with a parachute (paracaidista)
parachute:  thing which makes you fall slowly (paracaigudes)