dijous, 12 de maig del 2016

Final task

My last post

The most important thing I learn for these three years ago is the vocabulary. I learn  a lot of news words these years. I think in all the words we learn by the year topics, phrasal verbs, false friends, the dossier of vocabulary, etc, of these years, and sure that I don't remember the majority of words, but I'm sure that I leran't a lot of new words.
My grammar isn't so good, sure that my grammar is so wrong, but I improve a lot these years. We can compare my first years of ESO with now and we can see that I didn't learn anything these years, but from 4th of ESO is obviously that my grammar was improve.

My oral presentation had been improve too, like my writing posts. At the begining of the last year of ESO, my oral tasks were horrible. Every time I did a oral presentation or podcast I was so nervous and if my english was so wrong, than with nervous my english was more wrong.

It's obviously that I improve in gramar, vocabulary, and in my oral presentations, but the two things that I improve a lot, in my opinion, is in my pronuntation and in my maturity of writings.

I thing my best writing post was my trip diary of London, a writing post of this year.
And my best oral presentation and post was a oral presentation of California that I dis last yeae with Adrià.

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