dilluns, 5 de maig del 2014

My best experiences in Berlin

We went to Berlin on the 22th of April and we return before yesterday, 26th of April. On these five days we had a lot of experiences, the majoridy goods.
The first day we took the bus to Barcelona Airport, and after two hours in the bus, we arribed on the Terminal. The fly wasn't moved and the pilot hasn't problem to land. We go to the hostel ( it was in the centaer of Berlin) in bus, and we go to left the bags in our rooms and go to vsited the Brandenburguer Tor and after this got to dinner in the restaurant Maredo. After this we can had free time to visited the city on night and view the stores.
The second we go to visited the Tiergarten, the monument of holocaust, in memorial to the murdered jews of europe. This was very funny and sad because you can walk into the walls but you can feel what's feel the jews during the nationalsocialism and after this and after the IIWW.  We also view the museum The story of Berlin and the búnquer of Berlin. In the ight we had not a free time.
The third day we went to the concentration camp in the town of Brandenburguer. This was a very horrifying experiences because we knew the story of this camp and the nationalsocialism time. In the afternoon we went to view the East Side Gallery, two kilometres of the wall, and we lunch in the turkish neighborhood. We go to the museum of jews and we had free time to see the city.
The last day we went to the island os museums and after this we had more free time to buy the presents to the family.
The friday we go to see the city for lastest time and we went to the airport.

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