divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014


After you read the book and see the film you can see a lot of differences between the two stories. The principal difference it's what the problems of Chee Seng began when his father left his family and the problems of Tracy began because she wants to became popular and her new friend , Eve Zamora, transform her but in the bad way.
Chee Seng, also Tracy, did new friends but the two guys had a bad luck with them, because their new friends were drug addicts. As they felt alone in the world, they continue the way of his new friends and began the bad life: drugs, boys and girls, problems with his mothers,etc...
The most shocking story is the film 'Thirteen' (Tracy), because you can see the images in real life and add to the sound it's very serious film. Add to this, you think they are thirteen and the change they do it's very hard

In the photos: Chee Seng, Tracy and Eve Zamora.


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