divendres, 12 de desembre del 2014

Fan Dead - News

Deportivo has expressed his " deepest condolences and support to the family and friends of Francisco Javier Romero Taboada, 'Jimmy ' , the fan who died today in a brawl between radicals coruñés team Atletico Madrid, leaving orphans two children.
The club has expressed its message of encouragement to the deceased environment in social networks , which advocates nonviolent football .
Jimmy , according to unofficial information handled Deportivo, was 43 years old and leaves orphan to a 4 year old son and a daughter of 19 , according to 'La Voz de Galicia ' .
The fan who died in Madrid form part of the ' The Softies ' , the most radical of the ultras Deportivo section.
A club advisor , Martin Pita , was interested in their health at the Clinical Hospital of Madrid from 11.30, where fans of Deportivo died early in the afternoon.
The Sports said in a statement on its website that " since the first reports on incidents were received , and since they still do in some contradictory points from Deportivo has tried to be clear about what had happened.

Personal opinion
That is a great tragedy. One think like football match can't finish with a person's life. But that pass and would will pass ever because the people not change and are people who don't had limits. I think what happen is a human disaster.

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