dimarts, 13 de gener del 2015

My Personality

According to the text, the first options I can take, is Extrovert. That is because I'm a sociable person who likes work a¡in groups and explain my reviews and ideas with everybody. I don't like the individual work and closed me in a imaginary world because that is very bad and sad.
The second options I can take are Sensor or Intuitive. I take Sensor, because I' not a person who thinks in the very deeps things, I think in the aspect of the things and the superficial features.
The third options are Thinker or Feeler. I choose Feeler because I'm a person with a lot of feelings and who suffers with a many things when these affects to me or to the people I love. Normaly I'm not show these feelings because I don't like what others peoples suffers for my guilt. And I try to be happy all the time and helps others persons to be happy too. 
And the last and fourth options are Judger or Perceiver. This time, I choose Judger. This time I'm not sure what option is the most adequate to me, because I like the order and I hate the chaos, but sometimes I fins very funny to do something spontaneous and crazy to scape of the routine. But I choose judger because in the time of study and work I prefer the order and the things good does. 

For closing, all of that define me how a Elephant! 

dijous, 8 de gener del 2015

NEWS - BMW's self-parking car

BMW plans launch to the market a smartwatch with the aplication of parking you car without your help. That is plans to launch to the January of 2015. But, not all is avantages, because for de moment, yo manage the car with the application in your smartwatch. Proxinaly, when the car will desenvolupating more, it's probably what the car can be park herself with the only help of the app.
That help is an avanced pass in the technology of the cars and the wearables.