dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015

Is Humor Necessary?

Think of a world without laughter, of a world full of sad and serious people, a world where anybody can't help others to get through bad moments, because they can't live through their own problems. Can you imagine to live happy in this world?

First of all, an because personal experience, you have to know that without humor it's impossible to go through bad moments. You need people who take care of you ebery time, yes, but if they haven't a point of humor, neither of them can overcome the situation.

Secondly, imagine a situation with a two persons, they are talking in important business. If they don't use a good sense of humor, they can missunderstand any words or expressions, and that can be a disaster for them, and for a lot of people.

In conclusion, if we haven't a good sense of humor, or we are not in a good mood, this world could be a disaster.

dijous, 15 d’octubre del 2015

Man Who Was Declared Dead Came Back To Life Right Before His Autopsy

Elite Daily

Prakash, a homeles from India, was found for the police unconscious in a bus station of Mumbai, India. He was carried to the less far hospital, and in time there a doctor was taken his pulse before he was pronunced dead. the doctor doesn't found his pulse and decided to carried him to the morgue inmediately. In time there the homeless woke up a few minutes before his post-mortem examination. the doctor recognize his error and the homeless taken a treactament for his ear infection.

In my opinion the doctor hasn't an error because some times when a body is so hurt or with a eating disorder this can produce a conscience lost without pulse. Perhaphs the doctor did too quickly the examination and the carried to the morgue, but I think that wasn't his guilt.

presumed dead

diumenge, 11 d’octubre del 2015

Obama's Speech

Dear teacher,
I'm Pau Fernández and this is my first task of this last year. In this writing I'm talking about Obama's speech to students in USA.

Obama's personal story was difficult because his father left the family, when he was two years old. Because of this fact, Obama's mother focused in two tasks: the task of being a mother and a father at the same time. Obama never negleted his homework ans tasks and he struggled to get the best marks every year. He came to school, slept a few of hours, and he woke up at 4 o'clock to began to study another day.

In his speech, he mentions 3 personal stories, who make a turn for the worse to commit a goal in their lifes. The first one was Jazmin Perez, now a doctor. She recently finished the degree of human biology, but this is not the important fact of his story, because when Jazmin started school, she didn't speak English, neither her parents, and she studied the language, on her own. The second story was Andoni Schultz, who suffered brain cancer when he was three and that is so difficult to pass and he was difficult to spend all the years with all the treatments and surgeries, but he refused to give up and passed all his exams. And the last one story was Shantell Steve, who went from foster home to foster home to get a job in a local health center.

J.K.Rowling and Michael Jordan were named too in the speech, bolt because they had a personal and difficult story. The first one, the writer of Harry Potter, was refused twelve times his first book of Harry Potter, but she never dropped out her dreams and continued to rewriting the book. Michael Jordan has a similar story, because on the high school he failed all the points in the matches of his team, at he point that the trainer left he of the team. But he stood up a lot of times, and he passed the exams of the university team and now he is one of the most important players in NBA.

And this is the summary of Obama's speech, a speech with a lot of stories to motivate the students to never drop out their dreams. And now I'm going to explain what my goals.
The first of all my goals, is to pass batxillerat with a good mark, and after that pass the university exams and began to study a degree.
And my long-term goals are to pass the university and get a job of my speciality, go out to live with my girlfriend, and begin a new family and life together. I put my best effort to get these goals!

Best wishes,

Pau Fernández.

A life lesson for a volunteer firefighter


Mark Bezos is a volunteer firefighter, who do a short but important speech to our. He first explain how was his first fire: he went at midlenight to a house on fire with his captain and another volunteer who was his first time too. First of both, he captain calls the second volunteer to save the houseowner's dog, and later calls to Mark to takes a pair of shoes for the houseowner. He says that not was a awesome rescue, but his department received a personal gratefulness. He received a lot of thanksful letter in her life, and by that he learns that any give yo can do for anybody, do that now, because not every day you can save somebody life, but every day you can affect one.


I agree with Mark Bezos, everytime we can change a somebody life, helps somebody, or share anything with someone, but much of this times we don't do this by fear, or by shy. I think this is real, because me for example do this, most times for shy, and this is not good, because we are in this life to helps us and share all with us, and in agree with Mark, we need to chance that, and be most thanksful and generous with the others.

stunned: atordit
lawyer: adbocat
waved: ondejat