diumenge, 11 d’octubre del 2015

A life lesson for a volunteer firefighter


Mark Bezos is a volunteer firefighter, who do a short but important speech to our. He first explain how was his first fire: he went at midlenight to a house on fire with his captain and another volunteer who was his first time too. First of both, he captain calls the second volunteer to save the houseowner's dog, and later calls to Mark to takes a pair of shoes for the houseowner. He says that not was a awesome rescue, but his department received a personal gratefulness. He received a lot of thanksful letter in her life, and by that he learns that any give yo can do for anybody, do that now, because not every day you can save somebody life, but every day you can affect one.


I agree with Mark Bezos, everytime we can change a somebody life, helps somebody, or share anything with someone, but much of this times we don't do this by fear, or by shy. I think this is real, because me for example do this, most times for shy, and this is not good, because we are in this life to helps us and share all with us, and in agree with Mark, we need to chance that, and be most thanksful and generous with the others.

stunned: atordit
lawyer: adbocat
waved: ondejat

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