dijous, 5 de febrer del 2015

My scientific future

Today, the boys and girls of first and second of batx, I included, went to the UAB, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, to visit there, meet the buildings, the faculties, and how all of them works to prepare ours own future.
First of all, we arribed to the central street of the university, and everyone went to the faculty wich they like. One time inside, a teacher of these faculty, show to the public how works the university and especially everyone of the degrees of these faculty.  Finally the teachers answer all the questions of the students in the class.
I tried the faculty of Biosciences, first because of my subjects of this year, biology is my favourite, second because when I all of the faculties in the paper, i saw clearly my future, and third, because the second I like most was the faculty of medicine, and the mark to acess is moreless a twelve about fourteen, and if is difficult to me to acess in the faculty of biosciences, I can't imagine how will be of hard to acess to medicine.
I know what i began this year very low respectly previous years and respectly my colleagues, but I'm ready to do the all of me to pass this year when a good mark, and the two nexts years with a superior mark.

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