divendres, 20 de març del 2015


street St Pau/07
Castello d'Empúries

Nike Factory,
New York,

Human Resurces Department,
I would like to get a job in your company in the summer. I have got experience in a clothing factory. I am eighteen years old and since I am sixteen years old I have worked in this factory. I finished the high school two years . I did my studies in Spain, but for two years ago I have been living in London.

First of all, I am tidy, polite and kind. But I am shy, and that is why I worked in a factory and not in the shop of that company.

I trust that you will find a job in your factory for me.

Thanks for your attention, looking forward to your promnt reply.

Your faithfully,
Marcos González.

diumenge, 1 de març del 2015

Summer '15

I'm anxiously to the came of the summer! But are a problem, what I'm sixteen, and my all free summertime is finished. I'm need to began to work. I know it's difficult to find a job to a boy who I am, as younger, but I need a job to my needs and to buy my own car, because the time pass and only rest one year and nine months to my eighteen birthday!
I prefer a job in Roses, to work in the morning, go to the job in motorbike, and to the afternoon go to the beach with my friends in our motorbikes. That wonderful because in summer, go on moto is warm, it isn't like winter, because in winter it's very cold go on moto.
Sumary, I need a job, in Roses please jajaja

news - murdered Boris Nemtsov

Tens of thousands of people have marched through central Moscow to honour opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, who was shot dead on Friday.

The leader of the opposition of the Russian governament is murdered. We stay in the 21th century, and in Ucrania are a war because the pro-russian people are shotting the pro-europe people. That pass with a president who talks with the others presidents of Europe, Vladimir Putin. But nobody of the politician of Europe stops Putin? And with all of that problem, the leader of the opposition is murdered, but nobody ask himself the possibility of the same mans who fights in Ucrania, continous the fight in Moscow? I think that things aren't normals in that years.

news - jihadi john

 'Jihadi John was cold and a loner'. The islamic state fighter, known as Jihadi Jonh, was cold and a loner who set himswlf apart from the others, according to a man who met him in Syria.

That news says of a little interview to a man who says what he met the Jihadi fighter in the country of Syria. The man says what he was cold and loner, and I think what that is the most normal. Because a man who do the things wich do the islamic state, is not a sociable perso , because he haven't a good thinks.


This christmas I went to my town on Granada. My mother's family is from that. I'm keen to go to this town, because I love all the things of these lands. The food, the people, the parties, the music, the animals, the lands...
Since when I was little I'm going to that town, and ever year what pass, I'm more anxiously to go.
I go to see my family, specially my poor grandma, who is ill to 10 years ago. The doctors say to my family what my grandma dead in one year, and shd still in live, 10 years after. She toke care of my mother and her 5 sisters for a lot of years, she alone. Because my granpa dead when my mother was a little girl.
For all of that, I think my granma is the more fighting person in the world, and I'm waiting to return to my town.

Improve is possible

The first term of that course I thank what that is like 4th of ESO, but that idea was terrible, because that course need more dedicstion and work. And yes, was terrible, because I fail 5 subjects of 10.
But I have two new opportunities , the second and the third terms. The second term is finishing, and I'm waiting to pass all my subjects except one, spanish. CMC and Philosofy I'm not sure, because these depend of only one exam, but I'm decided to study a lot for pass. Biology was good that term and I waiting to pass that. Català depend of the last exam too, the next week. The others subjects are easy to pass if I continous studying and doing all my homeworks.
Sumary, improve is possible if I'm decided to that.

My Research Paper

I been think the theme of my research paper since the begin of the course, but I not sure of anything. My parents, my sister and my friends recomended me a lot of different themes, but, again, I dont like any of these themes. The problem was I'm a undecided person.
When we began the second trimestre, my mothers says me to do the research paper of the elaboration of the wine with all the process. That like me a little bit, but I continous not sure.
One week ago, my teacher says what it's the last week to present the theme of the research paper. I had only the theme of the wine, but that like me, and I decided to present that theme finally.