diumenge, 1 de març del 2015


This christmas I went to my town on Granada. My mother's family is from that. I'm keen to go to this town, because I love all the things of these lands. The food, the people, the parties, the music, the animals, the lands...
Since when I was little I'm going to that town, and ever year what pass, I'm more anxiously to go.
I go to see my family, specially my poor grandma, who is ill to 10 years ago. The doctors say to my family what my grandma dead in one year, and shd still in live, 10 years after. She toke care of my mother and her 5 sisters for a lot of years, she alone. Because my granpa dead when my mother was a little girl.
For all of that, I think my granma is the more fighting person in the world, and I'm waiting to return to my town.

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