dijous, 7 d’abril del 2016

Human Rights

The Human Rights are the rights that you have because you are a person. These are moral principles and norms for all the population of the world, for all the humanity. Everybody entitled of have their rights.
Human rights have a long story since the beggining of humanity, but the official and nowadays Human Rights were created at 1948 by the United Nations. These rights were created from the experience of the second world war, and represents the first global expression of what many people believe to be the rights to wich all humanity beigns are ineherently entitled.
There are thirty human rights, among them: the right of peaceful assembly, the right of democratic participation, the right of social security...
I'm not familiar with the right of rest and relaxation, because I didn't think that these actions were a right, and I didn't know anything about these and any others rights.

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