dilluns, 21 de març del 2016

Trip Diary London

Thursday:  We began the first day of trip at 2:00 p.m., because we need to catch a bus by 2 hours to take the plane at 6 p.m. We arrive to the Stansted airport more or less at 9 o’clock, and after the arrive we catch another bus to the hostel; we left the suitcases on the hostel, and then began our tourist tour.  We take for the first time in London the underground, to the destination of Covent Garden, a luxury and beautiful place where we see a lot of boutiques and beautiful streets, and there we have time to take our lunch.  After lunch, we went to Trafalgar Square, where we visit the National Gallery, and then we went to see the Big Ben and the Coca-Cola London Eye. We take the underground to the Buckingham Palace, and then we went to Picadilly Cicus, but this time we went there walking. We visit the souvenir shops and then we have dinner a pizza. After that we went to the hostel.

Friday: At the morning we went to the Millennium Bridge, and we see St. Paul’s cathedral. Next to the Millennium Bridge were the Globe theatre, where we went to had a visit, and then we went to the museum where we see a lot of pieces of the Shakespeare’s tales. Next to the globe theatre were a modern museum, that a few years ago was a electric industry. We see a lot of modern expositions and after that we went to lunch and to see the Tower Bridge.  After the lunch we take the underground to the destination of the museums streets. We visit several museums, the most important like the Natural History museum and the Science museum. After that we had a lot of free time to visit several places like Harrods, and then we went to dinner in traditional British pub. 

Saturday: At the morning we went to visit de National History Museum, and there we see a lot of objects of several ancient civilizations, like the ancient Greeks where we see the Pantheon, the ancient Babylon, and the most important, the ancient Egyptians, where we see the Rosetta stone and the mummies. After the visit we went to the Camden Town with the traditional London bus, and there we see a lot of several boutiques and food stations, and I eat a lot of Chinese fast food there. We buy the last souvenirs and presents and then we went to Picadilly Circus, where we divide the group in two groups: one group went to see a musical, and the other group went to shop and visit the principal streets. We dinner on Picadilly circus and then we take the underground to the hostel.

Sunday: The last day at the morning we had a lot of free time, since the nine o’clock until the three a.m. We went to visit the Stamford Bridge football stadium, the stadium of the team with more followers of London, the Chelsea football club. Other groups went to visit the Madame Tussauds Museum, or the Coca-cola London eye, etc. After the stadium we went to visit the Hype Park, and then we went to lunch fish and chips and Spaghettis carbonara to a formal restaurant. After that we take the suitcases of the hostel and then we went with bus to the Gatwick airport. We arrive to the Barcelona Airport at middle night, and then we take a bus to went to the High School.

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