diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Tired Weekend

Friday after lunch, I hang out with my friends until six o'clock. And these two hours were the only two ours of freedom of my busy weekend.
First of all, after hang out with my friends, I went to stay with my girlfriend, but I only stayed with her less than one hour, because I had to training with my football team until eleven o'clock. After training, I went to home to dinner and study.
Saturday morning I went to Olot, to play the weekend match versus La Garrotxa C.F. That team are the first of the league, but we defeated them 2 - 3, although we were eleven players, without changes.
After lunch and until the dinner, my father and me were painting my bedroom (we change the blue with grey painting). That was so tired, and the harded thing was to move the furniture. 
Sunday morning, my father and me went to my brother in law's house to move the washing machine by the stairs, and up the old washing machine. 
Now, I'm finishing my blog, and I need to study Maths yet...

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