diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Wonderful London

The last week the two classes of second of batxillerat went to London, how a english travel.
That was incredible. At the begining I don't like the destination, because I hate the bad time, and I don't investigate a lot about that city.
When we arrive there I thought that I haven't the perfect clothes to not ice my body, but I got used to the weather very quickly.
That city is so beautiful, the city have a lot of monuments, historic places, and social sites to visit. Is to easy to move inside the city with the metro, beacuse we had money targets of the metro.
We had a lot of free time to eat and visit places on our behalf, and that was incredible because we could buy a lot of things and visit many others interestings places.
Definitely, I'm hope to turn to London as soon as be possible.

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