diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Amber fossils reveal the 'Lost World'


The differents amber fossils investigates reveal the differents on the bodies of disferents lizards, chameleons and geckos. These fossils have inside the form of modern lizards, but on the true is that these fossils have 99 milion years old. The films of Jurassic Park were inspired on that amber fossils. Investigating that fossils could investigate the genetical material of the ancient lizards.

Personal Opinion

That investigating is so important to find the diferences on the species that made that these species survive more time than others, and how these differences affect on the evolution of that species. All of that can be possible if the sciencist found how take the genetical material of the severals fossils, and investigating that on the laboratories,



The fossils date back to 99 million years ago

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