dijous, 17 de març del 2016

Description of my soulmate

Marta is my girlfriend, and she is 16. I spend a lot of time with her, and I really love all her characteristics, personality, and attitudes.
She looks like a panda, because she has long black hair, she is dark brown-eyed, and she has rosy and big cheeks. She is medium height, and I really like her weight, because she isn't skinny person and she isn't obsessive of losting weight.
She has a delicate, fine and light skin, and she hates her light, white skin, but I think that's so beautiful and that defines best her "panda" complexion.
She has a pointed and short nose, wich is defined best when her cheeks are rosy because she is shy.
She is so brave and energetic, and sometimes she scares me because her serious, nervous and cold reactions when she is angry, but a few minutes later she changes completely because she is sad or lazy or calm. She is so moody, and it is so difficult to understand her sometimes.
She loves spending a lot of time speaking with me by Skype or mobile phone. But her favorite hobby is sleeping. Yes, she is soo lazy.
She is a very sociable person and she loves helping people, and she so good at it. She wants to work as a social assistent when she finishes her studies.
I love all her personalities and qualities, she is so energetic and lovely.

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