diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

North Korea submarine misssing as US-South Korea drills continue


A submarine was opperating on the North Korea coast, but nearly the South Korea coast, when the submarine was disapeared. that pass at the moment when US continue on South Korea doing differents militar exercices and oil drills. North Korea has issued another threat of war over the drill. Oficials said the US Navy was tracking the submarine when it suddenly disappeared.

Personal Opinion

Several sources affirm that the disappearing was about the US Navy, but I don't think that was about the US Navy, because the North Korea was threatened to US and South Korea for a war, and all the World known how is that country and his dictatorship. All this facts do that many governsand press thought that the disappearing of the submarine is another strategy of attack from the dictatorship of North Korea.



North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (front) stands on the conning tower of a submarine during an inspection in January 2016

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