diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

The Oldest Man in World is a Holocaust Survivor


The oldest man name is Israel Kristal. He was born in Poland on 1903. During the World War II, he was sended to Auschwitz, the most harded concentration camp on the Earth. His wife and sons were killed on the camp, but he lived on and he was rescued on 1945. Now he live on Israel, and confirmed by the World Guiness Records, he is the oldest man on the Earth, on his 112 years and 178 days old.

Personal Opinion

It's a wonderful fact. Is incredible how a person can survive on this concentration camp, being jew, because that religious was the first one enemy of the nazis, and I can't imagine how was that man's life. But the other incredible fact is how a person who lost a lot of weight in the WWII, who was tortured, and who lot his wife and sons, can be the oldest man on the world? I think this man is the mental stronger man  on the Earth.



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