diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

The first man in Modern History who was killed by a meteorite


A object falls near a cafeteria of a Engineering College in Tamil Nadu, India, around 12:30 pm on Saturday. That object supose a hard sound around a three kilometres area, an a crater of 4 feets deep.
A bus driver of the college, who was walking near the cafeteria on the moment, was died the same day after sustaining serious injuries. After analize the object, a blue-black rock, that object was certificade how a meteorite.

Personal Opinion

I think the sciencist need to investigate the dangerous of the meteorite, about that coliion with the Earth and radioactive facts, or others facts that can be really dangerous for the humanity and all the Earth security. We need to know if more meteorites can pass near the Earth and protect all the society.



Shooting Star

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