diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

TDR presentation self-evaluation

I wiil epresent how my classmates and my teachers think that I presented my research paper, and after that I will evaluate myself.

My classmate are really really good classmate, because a lot of them evaluate me with a mark over the seven point half or eight, and a few of they comment a bad thing on the oral presentation, but I need to be realistic to do a good self-evaluation and improve my english and oral presentation levels.
My teacher helps me to be more realistic, and comment me the necessity to improve my vocabulary and pronuntation, and she put me a seven point two, a really good mark for me.

I need to improve my pronuntation, because is so difficult for me and I practice a lot in my house, and in London I practice a lot of English too, but that dont found because each oral presentation or oral exam I show a baddest pronuntation ever. On that  presentation I think part of difficult were the scientific words. I needed to study these words one for one, but that was so difficult and the nervous of the situation did that I forgotten the majority of words.

That was the last oral presentation of the high school, and this presentation wasn't so good, but this one was my best presentation.

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