divendres, 26 de setembre del 2014



Hello! I'm Pau, a student of your class of 1 Batx A. I'm in this class because in last year I went in high group of english, and i was passed with a 6, because this my last teacher was decided will good to me to go to slower class. I'm happy with her opinion because now I understand better in class than last year.
Why I'm tryied the cientific group? Because It's easier to me the numbers than the words, and I'm will be a veterinarian o something similir because i love animals and will like can help they in a not far future.
And that is all of my future. 


Who I am?

Hello! I'm Pau, a student of your class of 1 Batx A. I live in Castelló d'Empúries for 13 years ago. Before this I was live in Roses. I studied in Roses all of primary school, and in 1st of ESO I came to IES Castelló d'Empúries. When I came to this high school I was very nervous because I didn't had friends in there, but with the pass of years I did a very good friends and actually I'm friend of almost all the students of my course.
From little, I'm a nervous and sociable boy. I like football from much time ago, it's my favourite hobby and it's a big part of my life. 

Why I'm in there class?

I'm in this class because in last year I went in high group of english, and i was passed with a 6, because this my last teacher was decided will good to me to go to slower class. I'm happy with her opinion because now I understand better in class than last year.
Why I'm tryied the cientific group? 
Because It's easier to me the numbers than the words, and I'm will be a veterinarian o something similir because i love animals and will like can help they in a not far future.
And that is all of my future. 

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