dilluns, 9 de juny del 2014


When I was revised my posts, I can ssaw one of their that was the most good posts of all of my blog. This post is My Pets. This blog is very important for me because I can desenvolupate my english on long writing and because that say of my pets, and I haven't now my rabbit. With the blog I remember he.

Link of the post: http://paufm98.blogspot.com.es/2014/06/my-world-my-pets.html

My favourite blog is the blog of Gabriel Almeida, because is one of the most elavorate blog, is the blog with more level of english, with a very good expressions and desenvoluted vocabulary. More that, the blog and his apparence is very beautiful and colorful.

Link of the blog of Gabriel Almeida: http://gaalmeida18.blogspot.com.es/

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