dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

3rd Term's podcast

Oral presentation 3rd term

Well, this term I feel a great improvement in my reading capacity, with grammar and and vocabulary, but I don't show this improvement totally in my last presentation, because I can't study a lot because other subjects exams. About this, I was reading a lot of my presentation time, but me and Adrià can be simple to understood this theme, because this has a difficult vocabulary and noums. But in front all of this I think that I improve my vocabulary, grammar and nervous, in front all my class.

We have made the world a better place. Do you agree?

In the last years the people known the biggest troubles in our planet, like the destruction of our environment or the great corruption in the majority of contries of the planet, and in my opinion, that is a step forward for all of us to improve that.

The first example I put, the environment, is a notable improvement becauseeverybody is aware that this case is a great problem, end a lot of organitations are putting a lot of effort to plant trees and save the animals.

The second example is corruption. In the last years the population have known someof the cases of this trouble, but before this problem used to be silent. And that isan improve, because now we can solve that and try to get back all of the people money.

My conclusion: the people are aware of those great troubles and now those problems can be solved now.

Looking Back

In this year I can see a notable improvement of my english composers. If I see my first composer of 1rst of Batxillerat than my last composer of this year, I cn see a improvement in grammar, vocabulary... Especially in the verbs, when I put a adjective in plural, I turned the verb in plural...and that it's an error.

Oral presentation shows my imporvement in english, because before I didmy presentations without study, without vocabulary, and with the minimum grammar. But now my oral presentations have a good grammar, a extense vocabulary of this year I learned, and I study for my presentations..

Oral presentation helps me to learn english and for show my english in front my class, and that is a very good think to improve your levels.

Classes of only grammar doesn't help me to learn grammar because that it's a excesive task and bored and in these conditions I didn't learn these themes of grammar.

Gamesof grammar and vocabulary, videos, competitive games for win a prize, your says and news in our blogs or oral presentation are a well work to learn engliss¡h and for will do this subject more entertaining.

diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015

Bad joke - news


Two high school students do a sparring technique in their graduation and the administrator of the center doesn't like this. Unfortunately, he decided to take their diplomas because this trouble.


I think that is a respect fault for all the student, all the teachers, and all the crowd, but was absolutely unneeded to don't give them their diplomes because this joke.

New Technology - News

Recently a group of scientist of a laboratory wer found a method that detect any virus or pathogen who were stay in your body in anytime of your life.

 I think this new technology is a notable pass to front to solves many problems of health and especially in cases of epidemies, to solve juridic problems and health problems.

Research Paper

This year all the students need to do the research paper, who is a deep work about a theme you tried but difficult, because yo need to do questions to the others students, experiments, research a lot of information in house, librarys, enterprises...
My research paper is about wines, because my father works in a wine enterprise and I have the possibility of go to the wine factory and observated all the elaboration process and the tipology and to ask someone many questions to solves about my research paper.

My Travel

This last week I went to do a cruise. The cruise went to Sardenya, Napoles, Civitaveccia, Roma, Livorno, Pisa, Firenze, Villelefrance, Monaco and Barcelona. With all the travels and all the houra I stayed walking I finished so tired. But this is recompensed because that was fantastic. All the cities and especially the cruiser and the cruiser's tripulant were fantastics. I'm so happy to did this cruise and I'm waiting to do another, or the same, but I need wait for the money...

My weekend

This weekend I don't had time to do anything. I go to inaugurate a bar of my uncle, and I was the barman. The saturday I painted all the garden's walls. This work ocuped all my saturday and the morning of the sunday. In the afternoon of the sunday, I go to the airport to say goodbye to my grandparents, who went to his town all the summer. I'm so tired and I'm waiting to summer...

Football team

This year my football team was a disaster, all the matches were lost,  all the players were how a children, without coatcher, without training clothes, without training material, without money... and all of this because my last club.
The boss of my last club doesn't like me because he don't fell well with my father, and this year he decided to leave me out of the team in the prechampionschip, and I only foun one team, the baddest. But this year I found another and we are decided to win the ligue.

My first job

This summer I will work, of it is possible, of socorrist in a beach, pool, aqua park... I was study one month to have a title of first emergencies, but nowadays it's so difficult to find a god job, or simply " a job". How this summer now I can work, because I have the age, I like to work to buy my car when I will eighteen. The problem is the crisis and the age, because now less employers contract workers with my age. But I'm disposed to find a good job and do well my habilities!

divendres, 5 de juny del 2015

News - This Jacked Kangaroo Loves Using His Massive Muscles To Crush Buckets.


This red kangaroo is the most muscular kangaroo and marsupial in the world.
He was found in a highway with his dead mother. His carer named himself his mum, and he trin the kangaroo with another kangaroos and specially with metal buckets. "He love cruch the buckets". 
Clearly, he is the alpha male in his group and will attack anyone who close to him or his women.
And thats not all, Roger, the kangaroo, is expected to become more bigger in the next years.
In my opinion this kangaroo had a massive trainig for part of his carer, because any animal had these arms or legs naturaly.
Is true that the kangaroo are very strong animals by nature, but that is a massive result of the action of the humans, because perhaps his carer was gave proteins or substances that make the muscles of the kangaroo more biggers. 

highway - carretera
dummy - maniquí
sparring - combat