dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

Looking Back

In this year I can see a notable improvement of my english composers. If I see my first composer of 1rst of Batxillerat than my last composer of this year, I cn see a improvement in grammar, vocabulary... Especially in the verbs, when I put a adjective in plural, I turned the verb in plural...and that it's an error.

Oral presentation shows my imporvement in english, because before I didmy presentations without study, without vocabulary, and with the minimum grammar. But now my oral presentations have a good grammar, a extense vocabulary of this year I learned, and I study for my presentations..

Oral presentation helps me to learn english and for show my english in front my class, and that is a very good think to improve your levels.

Classes of only grammar doesn't help me to learn grammar because that it's a excesive task and bored and in these conditions I didn't learn these themes of grammar.

Gamesof grammar and vocabulary, videos, competitive games for win a prize, your says and news in our blogs or oral presentation are a well work to learn engliss¡h and for will do this subject more entertaining.

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