dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

We have made the world a better place. Do you agree?

In the last years the people known the biggest troubles in our planet, like the destruction of our environment or the great corruption in the majority of contries of the planet, and in my opinion, that is a step forward for all of us to improve that.

The first example I put, the environment, is a notable improvement becauseeverybody is aware that this case is a great problem, end a lot of organitations are putting a lot of effort to plant trees and save the animals.

The second example is corruption. In the last years the population have known someof the cases of this trouble, but before this problem used to be silent. And that isan improve, because now we can solve that and try to get back all of the people money.

My conclusion: the people are aware of those great troubles and now those problems can be solved now.

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