divendres, 5 de juny del 2015

News - This Jacked Kangaroo Loves Using His Massive Muscles To Crush Buckets.


This red kangaroo is the most muscular kangaroo and marsupial in the world.
He was found in a highway with his dead mother. His carer named himself his mum, and he trin the kangaroo with another kangaroos and specially with metal buckets. "He love cruch the buckets". 
Clearly, he is the alpha male in his group and will attack anyone who close to him or his women.
And thats not all, Roger, the kangaroo, is expected to become more bigger in the next years.
In my opinion this kangaroo had a massive trainig for part of his carer, because any animal had these arms or legs naturaly.
Is true that the kangaroo are very strong animals by nature, but that is a massive result of the action of the humans, because perhaps his carer was gave proteins or substances that make the muscles of the kangaroo more biggers. 

highway - carretera
dummy - maniquí
sparring - combat

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