diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Carnival - Yoursay

This Carnival I will go to Roses, same all the years, and in my group we are a lot of people, with a big float, and with beautiful costumes every year.
This year we will go about Robin, the assistant of Batman. We can try if we like go about man or girl, and my friends and I decided to go like a girl, because is Carnival, and when too funny is the costume, too well will we pass these days of party. 
I love carnival, and since I was four months old, I celebrate this festival. In Roses that festival is so beautiful and feeling about his population, and how I lived in Roses, and I studied in Roses, I feel this festival since I was a baby. At the beginings I disguised in the float of my parents, but when my youngest uncle died, my parents decided to no went this year to carnival, and now they lost this tradition. Because that I needed to find another float to disguise, and me and my friends found a good group. 
I love the carvinal of Roses, and I'm decided to go to this festival every year until I die!

Hahaha I found the costume of this year so funny!

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