diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

My football team - Yoursay

The past year I was in the baddest team of the league. Well, perhaphs these wasn't the baddest team, but we approached. We lost all the matches, all of them except one, the match against the ral baddest team of the league hahaha. But afortunately, that team was dissolved, and now I play in a better team (thanks God).
This year we go better in the league, we have three matches winneds, three matches losed,  and three matches drawnned. These aren't a very good results, but are better than the results of the last year.
Today, we played against the last team of the league, A.E.Roses, and we won eight to one. I marked one goal, and because that I'm very happy.
We are Esplais, the team of Castelló d'Empúries, and I have the number seven, same all my years in football.

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