diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Chicago's white officer shoot a young black man - News


On Tuesday, Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke, a 37 years old white man, was charged with first-degree murder for shooting Laquan McDonald, a 17 years old black boy. As McDonald walks by, he turns to the officer, who then shoots McDonald from a short distance. Nowhere does the video show the young man lunging at the officer as they previously claimed.

Personal Opinion

How I see the video, the police was do the wrong fact, because the boy was in a lot of metres of distance from the agents. The boy was walking with a knife yes, but he never does a rare movement how explain the video. In one moment that the boy turn to right, the police shots him and the boy dead inmediatly. I think the boy never does anything wrong at the same level of the shoots he received.



Laquan McDonald

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