dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015

Oral Presentation Self-Evaluation

Well, first of all I'm going to evaluate myself, and after that I will expose my opinion of how Adrià and I were shows our presentation one week ago.

The day before of the oral presentation I prepared all my sentences and the especifically dates. That was so difficult becuase I have to study six TV humour sitcoms and all the dates were a horrible chaos. The day of the presentation I began to be very nervous and that got worse my self part of the presentation. That is my great problems in presentations, and this year the problem increase because most of the students of the other class were new for me. Following I was nervous, I forgot most of the nams and sentence, but especially the dates, and in all the dates I said two hundred, and that wrong, because the correct words are two thousand... and because that I was reading most time during the presentation. But besides all, this year I think I can do better presentation than the years before.

In group, I think than The both, Adrià and me, we need to improve our poor in front the public, because they are classmates and they aren't a critical audience. Too we need to improve a lot our vocabulary and pronunciation, and use more the learned vocabulary and not the basic words we known. And another important fact is that we need to study and prepare better our presentations.

And that's all about my selfevaluation of our oral presentation.

(the video was lost because I have a new mobile, and the video was recorded with the old mobile).

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