diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

What we can do these holidays to help end the homeless epidemic


Many of us are looking forward to quality time spent with family and friends, delicious food and exchanging gifts as we celebrate and show our love for each other. Unfortunately, Christmas has become more about exchanging gifts rather than celebrating the true meaning of the day. We have so much to be thankful for but we don't even realize it. Upwards of a million of peoples in the world are simply worried about where they will find the next meal and lay their heads.

Personal Opinion

Every holidays of Christmas all the TV programs and series, the radio, the internet, etc, are talking about what we are about the holidays, that we need to be better people and more thankful and be less greedy, think about the poor people and less in our presents,..but the problem aren't us, the problem is is that the TV shows more adverts about shooping than about the real meaning of Xmas. How they like guide us to think about feelings and thanksful?, if they shows us to go to the bas way, the material way.




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