diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Man use today's technology after being in prison for 44 years - News


At 25 years old, Otis Jonhson went to prison, and 44 years later he go out. When he went inside the prision, computers and cell phone are yet invented. He explain how when he go out the prision and went to the time's square, he saw everybody aparently talking to themself. He said that the only people he saw with these machines in the ears was he CIA, and now he saw everybody with these.

Personal Opinion

The shock who received taht man was absolutely big, because technolgy is the most avanced thig and invention in the last years, and I think that what he explain that shocks he, the mobiles, are the first think of many others, because in this times was invented de touchable screens, the GPS, the laptops, and many others invention who he need to know in very short time,


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