diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

A videoclip who shows you the refugees' crisis - News


M.I.A. is looking to mate a statement with her latest self-directed video for her song Borders. In the videothe rap's singer is seen singing in front of long lines of refugees, climbing fences and taking a boat crammed with dozens of others trying to make it safely to a new country. The lyrics are about the refugee crisis and other political issues. 

Personal Opinion

That song and that video is a gret movement for think about what is happens now in our world. Anybody is so couraged how M.I.A, who talk and sing about the political issues and the war issues at the moment. I think that all of us need to think about what the song says, and think about if we are in favour the war, in favour the refugees, in favour the politics... or if we are against all of that.


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