diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015


Michael Fletcher and his brother Neil were minding their own business hunting grouse in the Canadian forests when Michael saw a majestic blad eagle sitting in the woods. The bird had one talon caught in a trap. The brothers quickly covering the bird in one of their coats to help set it free, but before they left the eagle free, the boys have the idea of taking a ridiculously and epic selfie.

Personal Opinion

Looking the picture you see a majestic and epic bird, the most beautiful and majestic bird in the earth, I think, and  these boys have the opportunity of see one of this bird in personal view. They can touch and saw the animal from a short distance, and that no everybody can do it. I don't know if that fact can be going against they if anybody complaints they, but I think that they do it for left the eagle free.


Bald Eagle Selfie

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