diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015
Carnival - Yoursay
This Carnival I will go to Roses, same all the years, and in my group we are a lot of people, with a big float, and with beautiful costumes every year.
Hahaha I found the costume of this year so funny!
This year we will go about Robin, the assistant of Batman. We can try if we like go about man or girl, and my friends and I decided to go like a girl, because is Carnival, and when too funny is the costume, too well will we pass these days of party.
I love carnival, and since I was four months old, I celebrate this festival. In Roses that festival is so beautiful and feeling about his population, and how I lived in Roses, and I studied in Roses, I feel this festival since I was a baby. At the beginings I disguised in the float of my parents, but when my youngest uncle died, my parents decided to no went this year to carnival, and now they lost this tradition. Because that I needed to find another float to disguise, and me and my friends found a good group.
I love the carvinal of Roses, and I'm decided to go to this festival every year until I die!
Hahaha I found the costume of this year so funny!
My football team - Yoursay
The past year I was in the baddest team of the league. Well, perhaphs these wasn't the baddest team, but we approached. We lost all the matches, all of them except one, the match against the ral baddest team of the league hahaha. But afortunately, that team was dissolved, and now I play in a better team (thanks God).
This year we go better in the league, we have three matches winneds, three matches losed, and three matches drawnned. These aren't a very good results, but are better than the results of the last year.
Today, we played against the last team of the league, A.E.Roses, and we won eight to one. I marked one goal, and because that I'm very happy.
We are Esplais, the team of Castelló d'Empúries, and I have the number seven, same all my years in football.
My relationship - Yoursay
This summer I meet a girl. This girl is black haired, medium stature, brown and dark eyes, fines lips and fine nose. She is so beautiful and perfect. Her character is so bipolar. Sometimes she love me, and sometimes she hate me, and that is so confused for me, but I like her character, same I love all of she. She live in a town of Barcelona, and I meet she because she and her family go every summer to a camping in Empuriabrava, and one day I went to thi camping with a group of friends, because in the outside of the camping are a football court where we went to play. That day the girl went with her friends and I saw she. I love she inmediatly.
We pass a extraordinary summer. We went to the beach, we went to the camping pool, we went to dinner together, I met her mother and her aunt and uncle and cousins and sister, but the summer ended, and she went to her town in Barcelona... But that no was the end of our relation, because I went to her house, and I met her father and more family, and she went to sleep to my house, and he met more of my family, and we follow doing that, taking turns our travels.
Her names is Marta, and we carry 6 months together.
What we can do these holidays to help end the homeless epidemic
Many of us are looking forward to quality time spent with family and friends, delicious food and exchanging gifts as we celebrate and show our love for each other. Unfortunately, Christmas has become more about exchanging gifts rather than celebrating the true meaning of the day. We have so much to be thankful for but we don't even realize it. Upwards of a million of peoples in the world are simply worried about where they will find the next meal and lay their heads.
Personal Opinion
Every holidays of Christmas all the TV programs and series, the radio, the internet, etc, are talking about what we are about the holidays, that we need to be better people and more thankful and be less greedy, think about the poor people and less in our presents,..but the problem aren't us, the problem is is that the TV shows more adverts about shooping than about the real meaning of Xmas. How they like guide us to think about feelings and thanksful?, if they shows us to go to the bas way, the material way.
Many of us are looking forward to quality time spent with family and friends, delicious food and exchanging gifts as we celebrate and show our love for each other. Unfortunately, Christmas has become more about exchanging gifts rather than celebrating the true meaning of the day. We have so much to be thankful for but we don't even realize it. Upwards of a million of peoples in the world are simply worried about where they will find the next meal and lay their heads.
Personal Opinion
Every holidays of Christmas all the TV programs and series, the radio, the internet, etc, are talking about what we are about the holidays, that we need to be better people and more thankful and be less greedy, think about the poor people and less in our presents,..but the problem aren't us, the problem is is that the TV shows more adverts about shooping than about the real meaning of Xmas. How they like guide us to think about feelings and thanksful?, if they shows us to go to the bas way, the material way.
Michael Fletcher and his brother Neil were minding their own business hunting grouse in the Canadian forests when Michael saw a majestic blad eagle sitting in the woods. The bird had one talon caught in a trap. The brothers quickly covering the bird in one of their coats to help set it free, but before they left the eagle free, the boys have the idea of taking a ridiculously and epic selfie.
Personal Opinion
Looking the picture you see a majestic and epic bird, the most beautiful and majestic bird in the earth, I think, and these boys have the opportunity of see one of this bird in personal view. They can touch and saw the animal from a short distance, and that no everybody can do it. I don't know if that fact can be going against they if anybody complaints they, but I think that they do it for left the eagle free.
A videoclip who shows you the refugees' crisis - News
M.I.A. is looking to mate a statement with her latest self-directed video for her song Borders. In the videothe rap's singer is seen singing in front of long lines of refugees, climbing fences and taking a boat crammed with dozens of others trying to make it safely to a new country. The lyrics are about the refugee crisis and other political issues.
Personal Opinion
That song and that video is a gret movement for think about what is happens now in our world. Anybody is so couraged how M.I.A, who talk and sing about the political issues and the war issues at the moment. I think that all of us need to think about what the song says, and think about if we are in favour the war, in favour the refugees, in favour the politics... or if we are against all of that.
Chicago's white officer shoot a young black man - News
On Tuesday, Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke, a 37 years old white man, was charged with first-degree murder for shooting Laquan McDonald, a 17 years old black boy. As McDonald walks by, he turns to the officer, who then shoots McDonald from a short distance. Nowhere does the video show the young man lunging at the officer as they previously claimed.
Personal Opinion
How I see the video, the police was do the wrong fact, because the boy was in a lot of metres of distance from the agents. The boy was walking with a knife yes, but he never does a rare movement how explain the video. In one moment that the boy turn to right, the police shots him and the boy dead inmediatly. I think the boy never does anything wrong at the same level of the shoots he received.
On Tuesday, Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke, a 37 years old white man, was charged with first-degree murder for shooting Laquan McDonald, a 17 years old black boy. As McDonald walks by, he turns to the officer, who then shoots McDonald from a short distance. Nowhere does the video show the young man lunging at the officer as they previously claimed.
Personal Opinion
How I see the video, the police was do the wrong fact, because the boy was in a lot of metres of distance from the agents. The boy was walking with a knife yes, but he never does a rare movement how explain the video. In one moment that the boy turn to right, the police shots him and the boy dead inmediatly. I think the boy never does anything wrong at the same level of the shoots he received.
Man use today's technology after being in prison for 44 years - News
At 25 years old, Otis Jonhson went to prison, and 44 years later he go out. When he went inside the prision, computers and cell phone are yet invented. He explain how when he go out the prision and went to the time's square, he saw everybody aparently talking to themself. He said that the only people he saw with these machines in the ears was he CIA, and now he saw everybody with these.
Personal Opinion
The shock who received taht man was absolutely big, because technolgy is the most avanced thig and invention in the last years, and I think that what he explain that shocks he, the mobiles, are the first think of many others, because in this times was invented de touchable screens, the GPS, the laptops, and many others invention who he need to know in very short time,
dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015
Oral Presentation Self-Evaluation
Well, first of all I'm going to evaluate myself, and after that I will expose my opinion of how Adrià and I were shows our presentation one week ago.
The day before of the oral presentation I prepared all my sentences and the especifically dates. That was so difficult becuase I have to study six TV humour sitcoms and all the dates were a horrible chaos. The day of the presentation I began to be very nervous and that got worse my self part of the presentation. That is my great problems in presentations, and this year the problem increase because most of the students of the other class were new for me. Following I was nervous, I forgot most of the nams and sentence, but especially the dates, and in all the dates I said two hundred, and that wrong, because the correct words are two thousand... and because that I was reading most time during the presentation. But besides all, this year I think I can do better presentation than the years before.
In group, I think than The both, Adrià and me, we need to improve our poor in front the public, because they are classmates and they aren't a critical audience. Too we need to improve a lot our vocabulary and pronunciation, and use more the learned vocabulary and not the basic words we known. And another important fact is that we need to study and prepare better our presentations.
And that's all about my selfevaluation of our oral presentation.
(the video was lost because I have a new mobile, and the video was recorded with the old mobile).
dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015
Is Humor Necessary?
Think of a world without laughter, of a world full of sad and serious people, a world where anybody can't help others to get through bad moments, because they can't live through their own problems. Can you imagine to live happy in this world?
First of all, an because personal experience, you have to know that without humor it's impossible to go through bad moments. You need people who take care of you ebery time, yes, but if they haven't a point of humor, neither of them can overcome the situation.
Secondly, imagine a situation with a two persons, they are talking in important business. If they don't use a good sense of humor, they can missunderstand any words or expressions, and that can be a disaster for them, and for a lot of people.
In conclusion, if we haven't a good sense of humor, or we are not in a good mood, this world could be a disaster.
First of all, an because personal experience, you have to know that without humor it's impossible to go through bad moments. You need people who take care of you ebery time, yes, but if they haven't a point of humor, neither of them can overcome the situation.
Secondly, imagine a situation with a two persons, they are talking in important business. If they don't use a good sense of humor, they can missunderstand any words or expressions, and that can be a disaster for them, and for a lot of people.
In conclusion, if we haven't a good sense of humor, or we are not in a good mood, this world could be a disaster.
dijous, 15 d’octubre del 2015
Man Who Was Declared Dead Came Back To Life Right Before His Autopsy
Elite Daily
Prakash, a homeles from India, was found for the police unconscious in a bus station of Mumbai, India. He was carried to the less far hospital, and in time there a doctor was taken his pulse before he was pronunced dead. the doctor doesn't found his pulse and decided to carried him to the morgue inmediately. In time there the homeless woke up a few minutes before his post-mortem examination. the doctor recognize his error and the homeless taken a treactament for his ear infection.
In my opinion the doctor hasn't an error because some times when a body is so hurt or with a eating disorder this can produce a conscience lost without pulse. Perhaphs the doctor did too quickly the examination and the carried to the morgue, but I think that wasn't his guilt.
Prakash, a homeles from India, was found for the police unconscious in a bus station of Mumbai, India. He was carried to the less far hospital, and in time there a doctor was taken his pulse before he was pronunced dead. the doctor doesn't found his pulse and decided to carried him to the morgue inmediately. In time there the homeless woke up a few minutes before his post-mortem examination. the doctor recognize his error and the homeless taken a treactament for his ear infection.
In my opinion the doctor hasn't an error because some times when a body is so hurt or with a eating disorder this can produce a conscience lost without pulse. Perhaphs the doctor did too quickly the examination and the carried to the morgue, but I think that wasn't his guilt.
diumenge, 11 d’octubre del 2015
Obama's Speech
Dear teacher,
I'm Pau Fernández and this is my first task of this last year. In this writing I'm talking about Obama's speech to students in USA.
Obama's personal story was difficult because his father left the family, when he was two years old. Because of this fact, Obama's mother focused in two tasks: the task of being a mother and a father at the same time. Obama never negleted his homework ans tasks and he struggled to get the best marks every year. He came to school, slept a few of hours, and he woke up at 4 o'clock to began to study another day.
In his speech, he mentions 3 personal stories, who make a turn for the worse to commit a goal in their lifes. The first one was Jazmin Perez, now a doctor. She recently finished the degree of human biology, but this is not the important fact of his story, because when Jazmin started school, she didn't speak English, neither her parents, and she studied the language, on her own. The second story was Andoni Schultz, who suffered brain cancer when he was three and that is so difficult to pass and he was difficult to spend all the years with all the treatments and surgeries, but he refused to give up and passed all his exams. And the last one story was Shantell Steve, who went from foster home to foster home to get a job in a local health center.
J.K.Rowling and Michael Jordan were named too in the speech, bolt because they had a personal and difficult story. The first one, the writer of Harry Potter, was refused twelve times his first book of Harry Potter, but she never dropped out her dreams and continued to rewriting the book. Michael Jordan has a similar story, because on the high school he failed all the points in the matches of his team, at he point that the trainer left he of the team. But he stood up a lot of times, and he passed the exams of the university team and now he is one of the most important players in NBA.
And this is the summary of Obama's speech, a speech with a lot of stories to motivate the students to never drop out their dreams. And now I'm going to explain what my goals.
The first of all my goals, is to pass batxillerat with a good mark, and after that pass the university exams and began to study a degree.
And my long-term goals are to pass the university and get a job of my speciality, go out to live with my girlfriend, and begin a new family and life together. I put my best effort to get these goals!
Best wishes,
I'm Pau Fernández and this is my first task of this last year. In this writing I'm talking about Obama's speech to students in USA.
Obama's personal story was difficult because his father left the family, when he was two years old. Because of this fact, Obama's mother focused in two tasks: the task of being a mother and a father at the same time. Obama never negleted his homework ans tasks and he struggled to get the best marks every year. He came to school, slept a few of hours, and he woke up at 4 o'clock to began to study another day.
In his speech, he mentions 3 personal stories, who make a turn for the worse to commit a goal in their lifes. The first one was Jazmin Perez, now a doctor. She recently finished the degree of human biology, but this is not the important fact of his story, because when Jazmin started school, she didn't speak English, neither her parents, and she studied the language, on her own. The second story was Andoni Schultz, who suffered brain cancer when he was three and that is so difficult to pass and he was difficult to spend all the years with all the treatments and surgeries, but he refused to give up and passed all his exams. And the last one story was Shantell Steve, who went from foster home to foster home to get a job in a local health center.
J.K.Rowling and Michael Jordan were named too in the speech, bolt because they had a personal and difficult story. The first one, the writer of Harry Potter, was refused twelve times his first book of Harry Potter, but she never dropped out her dreams and continued to rewriting the book. Michael Jordan has a similar story, because on the high school he failed all the points in the matches of his team, at he point that the trainer left he of the team. But he stood up a lot of times, and he passed the exams of the university team and now he is one of the most important players in NBA.
And this is the summary of Obama's speech, a speech with a lot of stories to motivate the students to never drop out their dreams. And now I'm going to explain what my goals.
The first of all my goals, is to pass batxillerat with a good mark, and after that pass the university exams and began to study a degree.
And my long-term goals are to pass the university and get a job of my speciality, go out to live with my girlfriend, and begin a new family and life together. I put my best effort to get these goals!
Best wishes,
Pau Fernández.
A life lesson for a volunteer firefighter
Mark Bezos is a volunteer firefighter, who do a short but important speech to our. He first explain how was his first fire: he went at midlenight to a house on fire with his captain and another volunteer who was his first time too. First of both, he captain calls the second volunteer to save the houseowner's dog, and later calls to Mark to takes a pair of shoes for the houseowner. He says that not was a awesome rescue, but his department received a personal gratefulness. He received a lot of thanksful letter in her life, and by that he learns that any give yo can do for anybody, do that now, because not every day you can save somebody life, but every day you can affect one.
I agree with Mark Bezos, everytime we can change a somebody life, helps somebody, or share anything with someone, but much of this times we don't do this by fear, or by shy. I think this is real, because me for example do this, most times for shy, and this is not good, because we are in this life to helps us and share all with us, and in agree with Mark, we need to chance that, and be most thanksful and generous with the others.
stunned: atordit
lawyer: adbocat
waved: ondejat
Mark Bezos is a volunteer firefighter, who do a short but important speech to our. He first explain how was his first fire: he went at midlenight to a house on fire with his captain and another volunteer who was his first time too. First of both, he captain calls the second volunteer to save the houseowner's dog, and later calls to Mark to takes a pair of shoes for the houseowner. He says that not was a awesome rescue, but his department received a personal gratefulness. He received a lot of thanksful letter in her life, and by that he learns that any give yo can do for anybody, do that now, because not every day you can save somebody life, but every day you can affect one.
I agree with Mark Bezos, everytime we can change a somebody life, helps somebody, or share anything with someone, but much of this times we don't do this by fear, or by shy. I think this is real, because me for example do this, most times for shy, and this is not good, because we are in this life to helps us and share all with us, and in agree with Mark, we need to chance that, and be most thanksful and generous with the others.
stunned: atordit
lawyer: adbocat
waved: ondejat
dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015
3rd Term's podcast
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
Oral presentation 3rd term
Well, this term I feel a great improvement in my reading capacity, with grammar and and vocabulary, but I don't show this improvement totally in my last presentation, because I can't study a lot because other subjects exams. About this, I was reading a lot of my presentation time, but me and Adrià can be simple to understood this theme, because this has a difficult vocabulary and noums. But in front all of this I think that I improve my vocabulary, grammar and nervous, in front all my class.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
We have made the world a better place. Do you agree?
In the last years the people known the biggest troubles in our planet, like the destruction of our environment or the great corruption in the majority of contries of the planet, and in my opinion, that is a step forward for all of us to improve that.
The first example I put, the environment, is a notable improvement becauseeverybody is aware that this case is a great problem, end a lot of organitations are putting a lot of effort to plant trees and save the animals.
The second example is corruption. In the last years the population have known someof the cases of this trouble, but before this problem used to be silent. And that isan improve, because now we can solve that and try to get back all of the people money.
My conclusion: the people are aware of those great troubles and now those problems can be solved now.
The first example I put, the environment, is a notable improvement becauseeverybody is aware that this case is a great problem, end a lot of organitations are putting a lot of effort to plant trees and save the animals.
The second example is corruption. In the last years the population have known someof the cases of this trouble, but before this problem used to be silent. And that isan improve, because now we can solve that and try to get back all of the people money.
My conclusion: the people are aware of those great troubles and now those problems can be solved now.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
Looking Back
In this year I can see a notable improvement of my english composers. If I see my first composer of 1rst of Batxillerat than my last composer of this year, I cn see a improvement in grammar, vocabulary... Especially in the verbs, when I put a adjective in plural, I turned the verb in plural...and that it's an error.
Oral presentation shows my imporvement in english, because before I didmy presentations without study, without vocabulary, and with the minimum grammar. But now my oral presentations have a good grammar, a extense vocabulary of this year I learned, and I study for my presentations..
Oral presentation helps me to learn english and for show my english in front my class, and that is a very good think to improve your levels.
Classes of only grammar doesn't help me to learn grammar because that it's a excesive task and bored and in these conditions I didn't learn these themes of grammar.
Gamesof grammar and vocabulary, videos, competitive games for win a prize, your says and news in our blogs or oral presentation are a well work to learn engliss¡h and for will do this subject more entertaining.
Oral presentation shows my imporvement in english, because before I didmy presentations without study, without vocabulary, and with the minimum grammar. But now my oral presentations have a good grammar, a extense vocabulary of this year I learned, and I study for my presentations..
Oral presentation helps me to learn english and for show my english in front my class, and that is a very good think to improve your levels.
Classes of only grammar doesn't help me to learn grammar because that it's a excesive task and bored and in these conditions I didn't learn these themes of grammar.
Gamesof grammar and vocabulary, videos, competitive games for win a prize, your says and news in our blogs or oral presentation are a well work to learn engliss¡h and for will do this subject more entertaining.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015
Bad joke - news
Two high school students do a sparring technique in their graduation and the administrator of the center doesn't like this. Unfortunately, he decided to take their diplomas because this trouble.
I think that is a respect fault for all the student, all the teachers, and all the crowd, but was absolutely unneeded to don't give them their diplomes because this joke.
Two high school students do a sparring technique in their graduation and the administrator of the center doesn't like this. Unfortunately, he decided to take their diplomas because this trouble.
I think that is a respect fault for all the student, all the teachers, and all the crowd, but was absolutely unneeded to don't give them their diplomes because this joke.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
New Technology - News
Recently a group of scientist of a laboratory wer found a method that detect any virus or pathogen who were stay in your body in anytime of your life.
I think this new technology is a notable pass to front to solves many problems of health and especially in cases of epidemies, to solve juridic problems and health problems.
Recently a group of scientist of a laboratory wer found a method that detect any virus or pathogen who were stay in your body in anytime of your life.
I think this new technology is a notable pass to front to solves many problems of health and especially in cases of epidemies, to solve juridic problems and health problems.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
Research Paper
This year all the students need to do the research paper, who is a deep work about a theme you tried but difficult, because yo need to do questions to the others students, experiments, research a lot of information in house, librarys, enterprises...
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
Your say
My Travel
This last week I went to do a cruise. The cruise went to Sardenya, Napoles, Civitaveccia, Roma, Livorno, Pisa, Firenze, Villelefrance, Monaco and Barcelona. With all the travels and all the houra I stayed walking I finished so tired. But this is recompensed because that was fantastic. All the cities and especially the cruiser and the cruiser's tripulant were fantastics. I'm so happy to did this cruise and I'm waiting to do another, or the same, but I need wait for the money...
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
Your say
My weekend
This weekend I don't had time to do anything. I go to inaugurate a bar of my uncle, and I was the barman. The saturday I painted all the garden's walls. This work ocuped all my saturday and the morning of the sunday. In the afternoon of the sunday, I go to the airport to say goodbye to my grandparents, who went to his town all the summer. I'm so tired and I'm waiting to summer...
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
Your say
Football team
This year my football team was a disaster, all the matches were lost, all the players were how a children, without coatcher, without training clothes, without training material, without money... and all of this because my last club.
The boss of my last club doesn't like me because he don't fell well with my father, and this year he decided to leave me out of the team in the prechampionschip, and I only foun one team, the baddest. But this year I found another and we are decided to win the ligue.
The boss of my last club doesn't like me because he don't fell well with my father, and this year he decided to leave me out of the team in the prechampionschip, and I only foun one team, the baddest. But this year I found another and we are decided to win the ligue.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
Your say
My first job
This summer I will work, of it is possible, of socorrist in a beach, pool, aqua park... I was study one month to have a title of first emergencies, but nowadays it's so difficult to find a god job, or simply " a job". How this summer now I can work, because I have the age, I like to work to buy my car when I will eighteen. The problem is the crisis and the age, because now less employers contract workers with my age. But I'm disposed to find a good job and do well my habilities!
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
Your say
divendres, 5 de juny del 2015
News - This Jacked Kangaroo Loves Using His Massive Muscles To Crush Buckets.
This red kangaroo is the most muscular kangaroo and marsupial in the world.
He was found in a highway with his dead mother. His carer named himself his mum, and he trin the kangaroo with another kangaroos and specially with metal buckets. "He love cruch the buckets".
Clearly, he is the alpha male in his group and will attack anyone who close to him or his women.
And thats not all, Roger, the kangaroo, is expected to become more bigger in the next years.
In my opinion this kangaroo had a massive trainig for part of his carer, because any animal had these arms or legs naturaly.
Is true that the kangaroo are very strong animals by nature, but that is a massive result of the action of the humans, because perhaps his carer was gave proteins or substances that make the muscles of the kangaroo more biggers.
highway - carretera
dummy - maniquí
sparring - combat
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
divendres, 20 de març del 2015
street St Pau/07
Castello d'Empúries
New York,
Human Resurces Department,
I would like to get a job in your company in the summer. I have got experience in a clothing factory. I am eighteen years old and since I am sixteen years old I have worked in this factory. I finished the high school two years . I did my studies in Spain, but for two years ago I have been living in London.
First of all, I am tidy, polite and kind. But I am shy, and that is why I worked in a factory and not in the shop of that company.
I trust that you will find a job in your factory for me.
Thanks for your attention, looking forward to your promnt reply.
Your faithfully,
Marcos González.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term task,
diumenge, 1 de març del 2015
Summer '15
I'm anxiously to the came of the summer! But are a problem, what I'm sixteen, and my all free summertime is finished. I'm need to began to work. I know it's difficult to find a job to a boy who I am, as younger, but I need a job to my needs and to buy my own car, because the time pass and only rest one year and nine months to my eighteen birthday!
I prefer a job in Roses, to work in the morning, go to the job in motorbike, and to the afternoon go to the beach with my friends in our motorbikes. That wonderful because in summer, go on moto is warm, it isn't like winter, because in winter it's very cold go on moto.
Sumary, I need a job, in Roses please jajaja
I prefer a job in Roses, to work in the morning, go to the job in motorbike, and to the afternoon go to the beach with my friends in our motorbikes. That wonderful because in summer, go on moto is warm, it isn't like winter, because in winter it's very cold go on moto.
Sumary, I need a job, in Roses please jajaja
Etiquetes de comentaris:
2nd Term Task,
Your say
news - murdered Boris Nemtsov
Tens of thousands of people have marched through central Moscow to honour opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, who was shot dead on Friday.
The leader of the opposition of the Russian governament is murdered. We stay in the 21th century, and in Ucrania are a war because the pro-russian people are shotting the pro-europe people. That pass with a president who talks with the others presidents of Europe, Vladimir Putin. But nobody of the politician of Europe stops Putin? And with all of that problem, the leader of the opposition is murdered, but nobody ask himself the possibility of the same mans who fights in Ucrania, continous the fight in Moscow? I think that things aren't normals in that years.
The leader of the opposition of the Russian governament is murdered. We stay in the 21th century, and in Ucrania are a war because the pro-russian people are shotting the pro-europe people. That pass with a president who talks with the others presidents of Europe, Vladimir Putin. But nobody of the politician of Europe stops Putin? And with all of that problem, the leader of the opposition is murdered, but nobody ask himself the possibility of the same mans who fights in Ucrania, continous the fight in Moscow? I think that things aren't normals in that years.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
2nd Term Task,
news - jihadi john
'Jihadi John was cold and a loner'. The islamic state fighter, known as Jihadi Jonh, was cold and a loner who set himswlf apart from the others, according to a man who met him in Syria.
That news says of a little interview to a man who says what he met the Jihadi fighter in the country of Syria. The man says what he was cold and loner, and I think what that is the most normal. Because a man who do the things wich do the islamic state, is not a sociable perso , because he haven't a good thinks.
That news says of a little interview to a man who says what he met the Jihadi fighter in the country of Syria. The man says what he was cold and loner, and I think what that is the most normal. Because a man who do the things wich do the islamic state, is not a sociable perso , because he haven't a good thinks.
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2nd Term Task,
This christmas I went to my town on Granada. My mother's family is from that. I'm keen to go to this town, because I love all the things of these lands. The food, the people, the parties, the music, the animals, the lands...
Since when I was little I'm going to that town, and ever year what pass, I'm more anxiously to go.
I go to see my family, specially my poor grandma, who is ill to 10 years ago. The doctors say to my family what my grandma dead in one year, and shd still in live, 10 years after. She toke care of my mother and her 5 sisters for a lot of years, she alone. Because my granpa dead when my mother was a little girl.
For all of that, I think my granma is the more fighting person in the world, and I'm waiting to return to my town.
Since when I was little I'm going to that town, and ever year what pass, I'm more anxiously to go.
I go to see my family, specially my poor grandma, who is ill to 10 years ago. The doctors say to my family what my grandma dead in one year, and shd still in live, 10 years after. She toke care of my mother and her 5 sisters for a lot of years, she alone. Because my granpa dead when my mother was a little girl.
For all of that, I think my granma is the more fighting person in the world, and I'm waiting to return to my town.
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2nd Term Task,
Your say
Improve is possible
The first term of that course I thank what that is like 4th of ESO, but that idea was terrible, because that course need more dedicstion and work. And yes, was terrible, because I fail 5 subjects of 10.
But I have two new opportunities , the second and the third terms. The second term is finishing, and I'm waiting to pass all my subjects except one, spanish. CMC and Philosofy I'm not sure, because these depend of only one exam, but I'm decided to study a lot for pass. Biology was good that term and I waiting to pass that. Català depend of the last exam too, the next week. The others subjects are easy to pass if I continous studying and doing all my homeworks.
Sumary, improve is possible if I'm decided to that.
Sumary, improve is possible if I'm decided to that.
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2nd Term Task,
Your say
My Research Paper
I been think the theme of my research paper since the begin of the course, but I not sure of anything. My parents, my sister and my friends recomended me a lot of different themes, but, again, I dont like any of these themes. The problem was I'm a undecided person.
When we began the second trimestre, my mothers says me to do the research paper of the elaboration of the wine with all the process. That like me a little bit, but I continous not sure.
One week ago, my teacher says what it's the last week to present the theme of the research paper. I had only the theme of the wine, but that like me, and I decided to present that theme finally.
When we began the second trimestre, my mothers says me to do the research paper of the elaboration of the wine with all the process. That like me a little bit, but I continous not sure.
One week ago, my teacher says what it's the last week to present the theme of the research paper. I had only the theme of the wine, but that like me, and I decided to present that theme finally.
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2nd Term Task,
Your say
dimecres, 25 de febrer del 2015
My favourite celebration and party of the year is, of far, carnival. I love carnival. Specially the carnival of Roses, I'm keen of carnival of Roses. I been wear costumes for carnival of Roses since 15 years ago. When I was little, my parents has a group of friends with a truck and they participated in carnival before I born. Every year we make a great costumes, but in 2009 they separated. The next year I can't imagine a year without carnival, and me and a group of friends decided to find others groups to go on carnival. And that continuos now, we find a group thay year wich is wonderful and we passed a awesome Carnival!
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2nd Term Task,
Your say
divendres, 13 de febrer del 2015
Describe a Friend - Alex Sashev
He's a student from 1st batx in the high school of Castelló. Alex is from Bulgary, and has been living in Spain since he was five years old. He's 18 years old now. Alex's hobbies are hanging out with his friends, with whom he plays videogames.
We met him this year, because he's older than us, and we never went on the same class.
Today Alex is wearing a blue cotton hoody with a zipper, a pair of grey large jeans with a pair of brown casual shoes. Under the hoody he's wearing a black cotton T-shirt.
We met him this year, because he's older than us, and we never went on the same class.
Today Alex is wearing a blue cotton hoody with a zipper, a pair of grey large jeans with a pair of brown casual shoes. Under the hoody he's wearing a black cotton T-shirt.
Alex is blue-eyed. He had a short staight and black hair. He's wearing stubble and a balck short moustache.
Alex is friendly,funny and kind. He is hard-working but he's not obsessed with his studies. He's body appear an agressive and energy person but his character, shows the opposite.
We met Alex in September and in this year we think that he is a very funny person and very kind, he has a very good sense of humour.
dijous, 5 de febrer del 2015
My scientific future
Today, the boys and girls of first and second of batx, I included, went to the UAB, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, to visit there, meet the buildings, the faculties, and how all of them works to prepare ours own future.
First of all, we arribed to the central street of the university, and everyone went to the faculty wich they like. One time inside, a teacher of these faculty, show to the public how works the university and especially everyone of the degrees of these faculty. Finally the teachers answer all the questions of the students in the class.
I tried the faculty of Biosciences, first because of my subjects of this year, biology is my favourite, second because when I all of the faculties in the paper, i saw clearly my future, and third, because the second I like most was the faculty of medicine, and the mark to acess is moreless a twelve about fourteen, and if is difficult to me to acess in the faculty of biosciences, I can't imagine how will be of hard to acess to medicine.
I know what i began this year very low respectly previous years and respectly my colleagues, but I'm ready to do the all of me to pass this year when a good mark, and the two nexts years with a superior mark.
First of all, we arribed to the central street of the university, and everyone went to the faculty wich they like. One time inside, a teacher of these faculty, show to the public how works the university and especially everyone of the degrees of these faculty. Finally the teachers answer all the questions of the students in the class.
I tried the faculty of Biosciences, first because of my subjects of this year, biology is my favourite, second because when I all of the faculties in the paper, i saw clearly my future, and third, because the second I like most was the faculty of medicine, and the mark to acess is moreless a twelve about fourteen, and if is difficult to me to acess in the faculty of biosciences, I can't imagine how will be of hard to acess to medicine.
I know what i began this year very low respectly previous years and respectly my colleagues, but I'm ready to do the all of me to pass this year when a good mark, and the two nexts years with a superior mark.
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2nd Term Task,
Your say
dimarts, 13 de gener del 2015
My Personality
According to the text, the first options I can take, is Extrovert. That is because I'm a sociable person who likes work a¡in groups and explain my reviews and ideas with everybody. I don't like the individual work and closed me in a imaginary world because that is very bad and sad.
The second options I can take are Sensor or Intuitive. I take Sensor, because I' not a person who thinks in the very deeps things, I think in the aspect of the things and the superficial features.
The third options are Thinker or Feeler. I choose Feeler because I'm a person with a lot of feelings and who suffers with a many things when these affects to me or to the people I love. Normaly I'm not show these feelings because I don't like what others peoples suffers for my guilt. And I try to be happy all the time and helps others persons to be happy too.
And the last and fourth options are Judger or Perceiver. This time, I choose Judger. This time I'm not sure what option is the most adequate to me, because I like the order and I hate the chaos, but sometimes I fins very funny to do something spontaneous and crazy to scape of the routine. But I choose judger because in the time of study and work I prefer the order and the things good does.
For closing, all of that define me how a Elephant!
dijous, 8 de gener del 2015
NEWS - BMW's self-parking car
BMW plans launch to the market a smartwatch with the aplication of parking you car without your help. That is plans to launch to the January of 2015. But, not all is avantages, because for de moment, yo manage the car with the application in your smartwatch. Proxinaly, when the car will desenvolupating more, it's probably what the car can be park herself with the only help of the app.
That help is an avanced pass in the technology of the cars and the wearables.
That help is an avanced pass in the technology of the cars and the wearables.
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2nd Term Task,
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